Understanding the framework of our development agenda
The Corporate Governance Development Framework
The Framework
Each signatory of the Framework undertakes to:
Integrate Corporate Governance (“CG”) in its investment operations
- Adopt CG procedures and tools in line with the Framework’s methodology;
- Where considered appropriate, conduct CG assessments of investee companies and develop CG action plans;
- Monitor progress of the implementation of CG action plans.
Ensure Internal Responsibility
Identify and assign an internal function that is responsible for the implementation of the Framework.
Provide or Procure Training
Ensure capacity building and knowledge transfer to staff for the implementation and further development of the Framework.
Collaborate with other Signatories
- Share experience and resources in training and implementation;
- Contribute to developing case studies and progress reports on the above.
Report on Implementation
Report annually to the other signatories on the internal implementation of the Framework.